Advisory Consulting

TechnoPark’s core team of Master Architects and extended team of Licensed Architects have both deep expertise in all facets of planning and execution, as well as broad knowledge of virtually every vertical industry and geography. Bring our team into your organization in whatever capacity makes the most sense: as advisers, consultants, or trainers. There are many options today for finding assistance with your business initiatives. So what makes TechnoPark unique?

  • We’re globally recognized thought leaders. Other consultants will quote us in their deliverables to you. Why not come to the source?
  • We’re vendor independent. We know the vendors and their products, both good and bad. We won’t pull any punches.
  • We understand both business and technology. TechnoPark covers this spectrum. Shouldn’t your advisors?
  • We’re iconoclasts. We don’t follow any particular approach because it’s “official” or “accepted.” We focus on what actually works in organizations like yours.

TechnoPark’s Advisory Professional Services Offerings

  • Enterprise Advisory
    • We work with your architects, advising and mentoring them, either in person or remotely. The deliverable is the time with our Master Architects. Available by the day, via unlimited annual subscription, via paid retainer, or via fixed-price contract.
  • Enterprise Consulting
    • When advisory is insufficient. Consulting projects include specific deliverables, including business roadmaps, readiness assessments, gap analysis, reference architectures, and more. Advisory is often a part of a consulting engagement as well. Available by the day or via fixed-price contract.
  • Custom Training and Round Tables
    • If our Bootcamp Training courses don’t quite fit the bill, we’d be happy to create a custom course just for your needs. From seminar-length Executive Round Tables to technically-focused deep dives for various technology audiences, we have the course for you. Interested in our popular Fast-track training course? We offer a certificate of completion for that course.
  • Vendor Advisory
    • Are you a startup vendor who wants go-to-market or product development advice in the IT marketplace? Or maybe you’re an established vendor who is looking to expand or partner in the IT marketplace. Either way, we have the depth of expertise to help you with your strategic goals. Vendor advisory is available by the hour or day, or via unlimited annual subscription.

Want to learn more? Contact TechnoPark for additional information